Privacy Policy

Chrisalis Counselling is committed to complying with the terms of the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK-GDPR) and to the responsible and secure use of your data.  Chrisalis Counselling has a legitimate interest in processing personal data to provide counselling services.   The purpose of this statement is to let you know what personal information Chrisalis Counselling collects and holds, why this data is collected, how long it is stored for, how it is destroyed and your rights.

Contact details

Name: Chrissy Peel

Mob: 07387 955499


Role: Data controller - ie the therapist - responsible for ensuring that personal data is processed lawfully, fairly and transparently.

Personal Data

1.       Storage of your general personal data is for the purpose of being able to provide you with a safe, professional and ethical service only. 

2. Your email and / or contact telephone information will be obtained from you when you initially contact me, in order for me to respond to your request. This initial contact could be through a third party such as Counselling Directory, Psychology Today, BACP Website (these platforms have their own Privacy Policies), or via my own website which is on the Squarespace platform, who have their own Privacy Policy which details how your information is used).

3. The following personal information will be requested at our initial Assessment Session:

·        Full Name

·        Address

·        Date of birth

·        Gender

·        Preferred pronoun

·        Ethnicity

·        Relevant spiritual / Religious beliefs

·        Emergency contact details

·        Relevant medical conditions / medication

·        GP details

·        Other information that is relevant solely to my being able to provide you with a professional and ethical service

4.       Your data will only be used to provide you with the relevant information relating to the services I offer.  I will not share your details with any other person or organization without your knowledge and permission unless there is a legal requirement to do so or in line with my Clinical Will policy.

5.       You can request to view / update any personal information that I hold about you at any time.

Note Taking

1.       You understand that I will write brief minimal notes, which are for my benefit and that I will retain these notes after you end therapy for the required time in accordance with UK-GDPR 2018. 

2.       Notes are written and stored securely in a BACP approved client management system (spreadsheet), identified by an id number, which is retained separately from your personal identifiable information details, in accordance with the requirements of UK-GDPR 2018. 

3.       You are welcome to view the notes at any reasonable time subject to my usual consultation fee. You have the right to access and receive a copy of your own personal data and any other supplementary information that I hold about you. Any requests for information will be actioned as soon as possible and at the latest within one month of receiving the request, as per UK-GDPR guidelines.

4.       Should you or a third party acting on your behalf and with your written consent, require a copy of these notes, I may charge an administrative fee of £50 to be paid before they are released.  This is to cover my time, covering letters and postage.

5.       I would be required to release your notes if requested by a judge through a court order / subpoena, however I would let you know about this, if so requested.

 Records Retention

1.       Information stored on my laptop is password/pin/face recognition protected accessed by myself only.  Your name and telephone number are also stored electronically in a password / thumbprint protected standard mobile phone used for business purposes, so that I can contact you regarding my counselling services.  I am the only one with access to both the laptop and mobile phone.

2. Your name will be referenced in my password / thumbprint protected mobile phone App for my business bank account for professional purposes, in order for me to check that session fees have been paid. The bank with also have it’s own privacy policy, which you can check when you receive the bank account details. This phone is password protected.

2.       All client personal data hardcopies will be stored in a lockable cupboard/filing cabinet at my personal residence, that only I have access to.

3.       Once we have ended our counselling sessions, all of your data will be stored securely for 7 years (or 7 years after a client’s 18th birthday), and will then be destroyed and deleted from my laptop and phone.   Hardcopy information relating to you will be shredded.

4.       I am registered with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).   If you have any concerns about my use of your data, please contact me directly at  I will do my utmost to resolve any concerns you have, however, if for any reason I cannot resolve the issues, you may of course choose to contact the ICO directly. Any breaches of of security must be notified to the ICO within 72 hours.

 Communication Encryption

1.       The methods of communication I use in order to provide you with an effective service are via mobile phone, email, text message, or Zoom for online clients.  Whilst Zoom is encrypted, email / text messages are not. 

2.       Whilst I endeavour to keep my systems and communication devices protected against viruses and other harmful effects, I cannot guarantee or be responsible for, all communications being virus-free.

 Consent to share information

1.       If agreed with you, I may contact other professionals where provision of additional support is necessary in order to offer you what you need or to keep you safe.

 Clinical Will Policy

1.       In the event of my being incapacitated or upon death and in accordance with BACP requirements, your data will be handled as detailed in my Clinical Will Policy, by a named qualified counsellor colleague, who will contact you and advise you of such an event. They will use your contact details with the strictest confidence and destroy them once used. 

 Confidentiality Policy

1.       A separate Confidentiality Policy is available which outlines confidentiality and the limits of confidentiality regarding sharing of information, including legal limitations, supervision and Covid 19.

 Explicit Client Understanding

1.       You have access to this Privacy Policy and I will offer you a signed copy at your initial appointment or assessment session. 

2.       By our commencing work together, it is deemed that you have explicit awareness and understanding of this policy.

Changes to this privacy policy

I may update this privacy policy from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to my practice, for clarification or for other operational, legal or regulatory reasons.

© Chrisalis Counselling 2021