
I work in line with UK Government Guidelines.

  1. Access to my therapy room in my insulated conservatory garden room is via a side gate entrance, which leads directly to the room.

  2. Hand sanitizer and temperature checks will be offered / checked on entry to the therapy room.

  3. Seating will be 2 meters apart.

  4. An air purifier with HEPA filter is used and the room ventilated between clients for at least 30 mins.

  5. Hard and soft furnishings will have been sprayed with antiviral disinfectant spray between clients.

  6. I will take a lateral flow test regularly / weekly, as/if required by government guidelines.

  7. If you have symptoms of Covid-19, or have been in contact with someone who has the virus and need to isolate, please let me know as soon as possible, and please do not attend F:F sessions.

  8. For cancellation of F:F sessions owing to Covid-19, online sessions will be offered during the time you are required to isolate or recover.  Payment for online sessions is required 24 hours in advance of the session.  

  9. If I have symptoms of Covid-19 or have been in contact with someone who has the virus, I will let you know as soon as possible and postpone / rearrange the session to another date, or offer online sessions, if I am well enough.

  10. If lockdown restrictions are reinstated, I will offer online sessions instead of F:F sessions for the duration of the required period, under government guidelines.

© Chrisalis Counselling 2021