Training, qualifications & experience:

  • CPD Certificate - Working with Somatic Intelligence & Therapeutic Wisdom

  • CPD Certificate - Working with Soul - Exploring EDI, Religion & Spirituality

  • CPD Certificate - Advanced Memory Reconsolidation & Flash Technique

  • CPD Certificate - Memory Reconsolidation & Flash Technique

  • CPD Certificate - Online and Telephone Counselling

  • CPD Mindfulness Training

  • CPD Certificate in Shame & Trauma Informed Practice

  • BACP Certificate of Proficiency

  • CPCAB Level 5 Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling

  • CPCAB Level 4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling

  • CPCAB Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Studies

  • CPCAB Level 2 Certificate in Counselling Skills

  • OCN Level 3 Certificate in Working with Survivors of Sexual Violence (ISVA)

I have specialist training and experience of working with trauma and PTSD, including with military veterans, military serving personnel, members of the emergency services including police, survivors of sexual assault, sexual abuse, domestic abuse and historic child sex abuse.  I also have experience of working with members of the farming community.

Client issues I have worked with include: anxiety, depression, trauma, PTSD, CPTSD, flashbacks, night-terrors, panic attacks, sleeping issues, EUPD, anger issues, self-harm, unhealthy coping mechanisms, eating disorders, OCD, low self-esteem / confidence issues, shame, sadness, loneliness / isolation, relationship/communication issues, disconnection, dissociation, body image issues, loss and grief, historic child sexual abuse, rape, incest, domestic violence and domestic abuse, infidelity, patterns of behaviour, spirituality ,menopause, childhood trauma and neglect.

I have regular, ongoing CPD (Continuing Professional Development), as required by the membership of my Professional organization (BACP).