Working Agreement: Face- to-Face and Online

Thank you for considering working with me.   This contract/working agreement describes how we can work together.   Please do read it through, so that I can answer any questions at the beginning of the process.

 About me:    

I am a counsellor registered with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP).  I work within the BACP’s ‘Ethical Framework for Counsellors’, and the ‘BACP Guidelines for Online Counselling and Psychotherapy’.  Information relating to both documents can be found at:  

I work in private practice offering face-to-face and online, counselling and psychotherapy.   I have experience working with clients across ages ranging from age 17 upwards.  I have the fullest commitment to offering an impartial service which is welcoming to all backgrounds in a supportive manner, with a commitment to avoiding harm and promoting the wellbeing of clients.  

Counselling & Psychotherapy (henceforth described as “therapy”) provides you with an opportunity to explore any personal difficulties in a confidential, supportive, non-judgmental and empathic environment.  

 About Therapy

1.       Therapy is a process of change.  It requires commitment and engagement from you.  Therapy is not necessarily an easy process and sometimes it may be that things can feel worse before they get better.  This is perfectly normal and does not mean that the therapy is not working.

2.       Sessions are weekly.  This is important in order to build trust, which is key to the therapeutic relationship.  Research has shown that it is the relationship between the counsellor and the client that brings about the most change, not necessarily the modalities or techniques used.

3.       As an integrative counsellor, I may use different approaches which are tailored to meet your specific needs.  It is ok to let me know if you do not find a certain approach useful. 

4.       Working integratively means that I may reflect some things back to you, or gently challenge some thought processes, I may invite you to try some things, or help explain patterns etc, however I am not able to give you advice on what to do or tell you how you should live your life.

5.       I aim to offer you a safe, confidential, non-judgmental, empathetic space where you can talk freely and explore your thoughts, feelings and patterns.  We can work together at your own pace, to find out what you need to make the changes you want.

6.       This may include inviting you to try something during the week outside of the sessions or offer some “homework tasks”.   This is an invitation, not an instruction and you are free to choose what you would like to take from this and reject or accept the suggestions.  However, research has shown that clients who make the best progress are ones who constructively engage with homework tasks if suggested.

7.       I offer open-ended and time-limited sessions, depending on your requirements, however we can negotiate how you would like to review your progress, frequency of sessions and how long you would like to come to therapy.

8.       Working ethically, if I feel it would be in your best interest, I may suggest a different referral path or therapist, that may suit your needs better.

 Pre-Trial Therapy

1.       Please see separate document.

Confidentiality Policy

1.       Please see separate document.

 Data Privacy Policy

1.       Please see separate document.

 Cancellations / No Shows / Missed sessions / Endings

1.       Cancelled or missed sessions, incur the full cost of the session.

2.       Sessions will be a regular weekly slot at the same time.

3.       Where is session is booked for the next week, the payment is due, even if the session is cancelled or missed.

4.       If you miss a session and I do not hear from you within one week, I will assume that you no longer wish to continue with the sessions.

5.       If you cancel on the day of the appointment on 2 or more occasions, I reserve the right to end the therapy sessions and give your space to another client.

6.       If a pattern of scheduled cancellations does start to emerge, I reserve the right to end the therapy sessions and ask for payment for the scheduled cancellations.

7.       I offer both time-limited (i.e. short term) and long term sessions, depending on your needs.  We can talk about how often you would like to review your progress and how you would like to work towards an ending. 

8.       I respectfully ask that you give me at least one week’s notice if you decide you would like to end the sessions.

9.       Please read the relevant section below for guidance on Covid-19 cancellations.

 Fees & Payment

1.       Session fees cost £60 and last for 50 minutes.

2.       I accept payment preferably by bank transfer or BACS, which should be paid 24 hours in advance of the session for both F:F and online sessions. 

3.       I accept payment by cash for face-to-face sessions on the day by prior agreement.  You understand that payment is due at the beginning of the session.   

4.       If a pattern of late payment occurs, I reserve the right to terminate the therapy sessions.

5.       I reserve the right to offer a limited number of concessionary rates.   However, if circumstances change, I reserve the right to review the rate you are paying.

6.       If a third party has agreed to pay your fee but then fails to do so, you will accept responsibility for the payment of the fee.

7.       Fees will be reviewed annually on 6 April.  Should there be an increase in fees, I will give you 28 days verbal / written notice.

 Session Appointments: Face-to-Face

This sets out what is expected from the therapeutic relationship for our sessions that are held face-to-face.

1.       Consultations/sessions are strictly by appointment only.

2.       If you arrive late, the session will still end at the scheduled time.

3.       For therapeutic reasons I reserve the right not to continue with a session if you are under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs.   However, you will still be responsible for paying for the session.

4.       My therapy room is a no-smoking area (including e-cigarettes).

5.       I do not have a waiting area, therefore I would ask that you arrive at the time of the appointment, not earlier.  If you do arrive early, I may ask you to return at the correct time.  This is to protect your privacy and also to protect the privacy of other clients.

6.       You understand that I do not have toilet facilities available for public use.   The nearest public toilets are at Bedgrove Park (1 mile, approx. 3 mins drive away), or Aylesbury Town Centre (2.5 miles, approx. 10 mins drive away), or Wendover Car Park (5 miles, approx. 12 mins drive away).

7.       You understand that I have a small, well-behaved, quiet, hypoallergenic therapy companion dog, who is likely to sit in the sessions.

 Session Appointments:  Online

This sets out what is expected from the therapeutic relationship for our sessions that are held online.

1.       It is important for you to find a safe, confidential space to have your therapy session, somewhere that you cannot be overheard or interrupted by other people.

2.       It is important that you are alone in the room with no children or other people.

3.       I respectfully ask that you are fully dressed for the session and not in bed for the online sessions.

4.       For therapeutic reasons I reserve the right not to continue with a session if you are under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs.   However, you will still be responsible for paying for the session.

5.       Online sessions are strictly by appointment only.

6.       The format that I use for online sessions is Zoom, as this is one of the most encrypted formats.

7.       Online sessions are organised for an agreed date and time. 

8.       If you are late attending the session, I will stay online for 15 minutes to allow for any eventualities. The session will still end at the original scheduled time.  If you do not make contact within this time, the session will be considered missed and will be cancelled, however payment will still be due.  

9.       If there are technical issues, we will discuss this eventuality and come to another arrangement or reschedule the date.

 Contacting Me / Emergency Contact Information

1.       I do not provide a 24-hour emergency service for clients.  

2.       My current normal available working hours are Mon 1700 - 21:00, Tue 09:00 - 21:00, Wed 09:00 - 21:00 and Thu 09:00 – 16:00. 

3.       If you need to talk to me to book or reschedule an appointment, I cannot guarantee that I will be available to talk immediately.  However, I will do my best to respond to you promptly and within 24 hours (of my available working hours).  I would ask that you do the same for me.

4.       If you need to cancel or re-arrange an appointment outside of my normal available hours, you can text me, leave a voice-message on my mobile, or send an email and I will respond to you as soon as I can, within my available working hours. 

5.       In the event of an emergency arising during the period that we are engaged in working together or if you were experiencing thoughts about ending your life or serious self-harm, please see below the appropriate support that you could access at that time, as it would be vital to get immediate help.    This could include:

·        Contacting your GP.

·        Nearest accident and emergency service (A & E). 

·        Buckinghamshire Mind. 

·        The Samaritans on 116 123, or email (email emergency support).

·        CALM (for men) at 

·        Shout - a text support service on 85258 by texting the word ‘SHOUT’. 

Other support may include:

·        The National Domestic Abuse helpline 0808 2000247. 

·        Gambling Issues: Home - GamCare - The leading provider of support for anyone affected by problem gambling in Great Britain

·        Alcohol Issues:  Alcoholics Anonymous Great Britain (


1.       I take approximately 7 weeks’ vacation each year for rest, self-care and to attend CPD (Continuous Professional Development) training. During these times I will not be available. 

2.       I will aim to provide you with as much advance notice as possible of these dates.

 About my professional boundaries

1.       As my client, I will always treat you professionally and with respect.  In return, I also expect to be treated with the same respect.  Abusive, violent, or manipulative behaviour is not acceptable at any time and will result in immediate termination of therapy.

2.       As your therapist, it is important that we maintain professional boundaries.  I will not offer or be able to accept invitations for friendship or sexual relationships, and I will not be able to accept expensive gifts or “tips”.

3.       I ask that you respect my privacy at all times, that you agree to attend sessions on the time and day of our appointments and by not making any unsolicited visits outside of these times.


If you have any concerns or complaints about the service provided, you can contact my professional body the BACP for support, guidance and assistance.

This agreement shall be construed and governed in all respects in accordance with the laws of England and Wales and any dispute or differences in relation to this agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.  

Thank you for taking the time to read through this contract / working agreement.  I hope it gives you a clear understanding of what to expect from our sessions and our working together.   If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

© Chrisalis Counselling 2021