Trauma Informed

As a trauma informed therapist, I working using the Trauma Informed Model. This involves working with stabilization skills, processing the trauma and then integration into life after therapy, moving forward.

I have specialised training and experience in working with trauma and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and CPTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) including working with adult survivors of historic childhood sexual abuse, service veterans / serving military personnel and members of the Emergency Services.

I am also trained in the Flash Technique (FT). FT is a recently developed and minimally intrusive therapeutic intervention for reducing the distress associated with traumatic or disturbing memories.

However, unlike many conventional trauma therapy interventions, FT does not require clients to consciously engage with the traumatic memory.   This allows traumatic memories to then be processed, without having to connect with the overwhelming feelings of trauma.

FT can help adults of all ages and can help with many presenting issues including but not limited to, anxiety, OCD, dissociation and depression, as well as traumatic and disturbing memories.


“Trauma is not what happens to you, it’s what happens inside you as a result of what happened to you. Trauma is that scarring that makes you less flexible, more rigid, less feeling and more defended.” Dr Gabor Mate